May 12, 2021 30 Day Renewal - Day 3 and Three Pounds Down

Health is a personal journey.

Weight is also a very personal journey.

Some people might read this and roll their eyes thinking that I really have nothing to worry about in terms of my weight. While it is true that I am not obese, depending on your definition, it is also true that my weight has...

May 10, 2021 30 Day Renewal

re·new·al | \ ri-ˈnü-əl

1. : the act or process of renewing
2. : the quality or state of being renewed

I've done my fair share of challenges, cleanses and detoxes... but this month I'm choosing to focus on my health for a much needed 30-day RENEWAL! 

Today is day one...

Jan 05, 2021 Using Your Word of the Year To Simplify Your Goals in 5 Easy Steps

Well 2020... That Was Weird! 


If last year has taught us anything, it's that things can go sideways really quickly and knock you off balance!

Normally at the beginning of every year I write a list of goals I want to accomplish throughout that year. Some of my goals in the past have...
Dec 14, 2020 10 Of The Best Holiday Gift Ideas On A Budget

2020 Holiday Gift Guide!


I LOVE giving gifts! I love it.

I love thinking about the person I'm buying for... I love shopping for them... I love wrapping gifts, making cards and adding to their holiday experience. 

Over the past few years since we moved to New York, our gifting budget...

Nov 13, 2020 Having The Courage To Let Go.

Letting Go.

What does that mean to you?

I’ve been thinking a lot about this lately as I’ve been shifting my energy and how I spend my days. Normally my days are time blocked from the moment I wake up to the moment my head hits the pillow at night. Meetings, sessions with clients,...

Nov 04, 2020 The Painful Stories We Tell Ourselves

One of my stories is that nothing ever works out for me.

It’s been playing over and over in my head a lot lately. The voice has been getting louder and louder… especially over the past few years.

If I were to sit down and make a list of all the things that have worked out for me,...

Oct 27, 2020 It’s Time To Get My Groove Back!

Have you heard of the 4 Sacred Seasons?

I learned about them from Dr John Amaral, who studied with and was mentored by Dr Donny Epstein.

The 4 Sacred Seasons are Discover, Transform, Awaken & Integrate.

When you’re in the season of Discover, shit is hitting the fan so-to-speak. Life has...

Oct 20, 2020 A New Way To Look At Success By Honoring My Integrity

I’m tired of feeling like nothing is working.

I’m tired of being sad.

I’m tired of working so fucking hard.

Recently I’ve taken a few things off my plate and will continue to over the next few months. I've sold one of my businesses... I stopped running my Mastermind for...

Jul 07, 2020 The Future Isn’t What It Used To Be

Do you feel like fear has you handcuffed? Do you feel you don’t have what it takes to transform your income, wealth, happiness...and essentially your LIFE?

I keep hearing my clients say “How do I recover from this?!” There is so much stress and uncertainty fueling our fears, so...

Aug 03, 2018 Talking About Regrets


If you run a business, I can tell you, from experience, that you will not run it as well as you could be if your health is suffering.

In this video I share not only what the challenges in my life have taught me, but how I've learned from my regrets and created an incredible life that I'm...

Aug 02, 2018 The Money Mindset of A Six-Figure Fempreneur


In this video, we'll check in on your mindset and how it relates to money.

It's so important to get comfortable with being abundant!

I currently run six businesses, and some of those are bringing in six-figures in revenue.

It's not magic... I did not come from a wealthy family... It's...

Jul 21, 2018 How To Deal With Insecurity

How To Deal With Insecurity

I’ve struggled with self-worth issues and insecurities most of my life. I know it’s a common struggle for many people. I was never a part of the “cool crowd” growing up. I was tall and lanky with red hair and freckles, and always felt like an...