Aug 11, 2023 The Struggles of Entrepreneurship and Life: My Life Update

I thought I would do a bit of a life update today.


Life has gotten a little crazy. It's the end of July as I'm writing this and my husband is on strike. My daughter left for horseback riding camp for two weeks, and then came back from that. Now my husband is away for a week.


I'm single momin...

Jun 16, 2022 How to let go, and MOVE ON

A couple weeks ago I spent a week on a tropical beach to celebrate a dear friend's milestone Birthday - and the unintended "theme" of the week was LET IT GO.


There were 7 of us traveling together and all of us were learning to really let go in various ways.


Let go of the past...

Let go of l...

Apr 28, 2022 Brooklyn Subway Shooting Was Horrific - How to Process Difficult Emotions

A couple weeks ago we experienced a scary event here in Brooklyn. As you may have heard, there was a man who set off a smoke canister in the car of a subway and then started shooting.


29 people were injured - 10 of those people were shot. 

Amazingly no one was killed.


So here at the Matheso...

Dec 18, 2021 10 Tips To Avoid Holiday Stress For Entrepreneurs

Happy Holidays to you my friends!

We are getting closer to that time of the year where we focus on navigating spending time with family… holiday gatherings… lots of food… lots of charcuterie boards… gift giving… traveling… parties… kids… cooking… baking… doing ALL the things during the holidays.

Jul 05, 2021 How the Pandemic Has Changed What Self-Care Looks Like

Self-care has always been a popular a buzz word.

When we think of self-care, we tend to think about getting a massage, or spending the afternoon with a friend to get a manicure, or taking a bubble bath, or going to a yoga class.

Pre-covid we incorporated self-care into our busy lives when we could...

May 25, 2021 30 Day Renewal - The Benefits of Celery Juice

Yes! I am on the Celery Juice wagon. The Medical Medium has won me over and I am a Celery Juice convert. 

I wish I would have known about all the incredibly healing properties of this magic herb earlier, but I guess timing is everything.

I’m halfway through my 30-Day renewal program and as a part ...

Nov 04, 2020 The Painful Stories We Tell Ourselves

One of my stories is that nothing ever works out for me.

It’s been playing over and over in my head a lot lately. The voice has been getting louder and louder… especially over the past few years.

If I were to sit down and make a list of all the things that have worked out for me, I’m sure it would...

Oct 27, 2020 It’s Time To Get My Groove Back!

Have you heard of the 4 Sacred Seasons?

I learned about them from Dr John Amaral, who studied with and was mentored by Dr Donny Epstein.

The 4 Sacred Seasons are Discover, Transform, Awaken & Integrate.

When you’re in the season of Discover, shit is hitting the fan so-to-speak. Life has thrown yo...

Jan 16, 2018 How To Train Your Brain

How to train your brain to produce the results you say you want, but never seem to achieve. 

In this post I’m going to get into how our minds work and I’ll walk you through why who you are right now is the sum total of the thoughts that are always playing in your head.

 Who are you right now?
