Jun 16, 2022 How to let go, and MOVE ON

A couple weeks ago I spent a week on a tropical beach to celebrate a dear friend's milestone Birthday - and the unintended "theme" of the week was LET IT GO.


There were 7 of us traveling together and all of us were learning to really let go in various ways.


Let go of the past...

Let go of l...

Apr 28, 2022 Brooklyn Subway Shooting Was Horrific - How to Process Difficult Emotions

A couple weeks ago we experienced a scary event here in Brooklyn. As you may have heard, there was a man who set off a smoke canister in the car of a subway and then started shooting.


29 people were injured - 10 of those people were shot. 

Amazingly no one was killed.


So here at the Matheso...

Mar 30, 2022 Podcast 3 | A New Money Mindset


What comes to mind when you think about money? These thoughts and beliefs around money are creating your results with it.

In today’s episode, I am talking about all things money. Our beliefs about money have been built consciously and unconsciously throughout our entire lives and ultimate...

Mar 30, 2022 Podcast 2 | Confidence vs. Self-Confidence


Do you know the difference between confidence and self-confidence? Many people consider the two terms interchangeable, but really they are yin and yang - two separate things that need each other in order to achieve success.

In today’s episode, I am talking about the difference between con...

Mar 20, 2022 Losing a Loved One, Moving, and Big News For Wellness Entrepreneurs

Hello friends and female entrepreneurs!


It’s been a minute since I've written a new blog post - but a lot has been going on! 

We moved. We're still in Brooklyn, just another area…

One of our guinea pigs passed away…

My debit card was compromised and then the new card was sent to the wrong ad...

Feb 01, 2022 Podcast 1 | How Do I Start?

I am your host, Kelsey Matheson and I am a business and life coach on a mission to help women grow as entrepreneurs and in turn, grow their business.

In this first episode, I talk about where you need to begin in order to start transforming yourself as an entrepreneur. I share the #1 tip tha...

Jan 26, 2022 Accepting Disappointment & Releasing Attachment

I launched a new coaching program... I got Covid... and we're moving.

Over the holidays my husband and I started looking for a new place to live here in Brooklyn.

Now, ideally we want 3 bedrooms and 2 bathrooms which can be challenging here in New York City. We’re still renting here in NY… we have...

Jan 07, 2022 2022 Word of The Year Goal Setting Process

Happy New Year to all of you. Welcome to 2022!

Cheers to a brand new year. A clean slate full of possibilities.

It doesn’t matter what happened last year… it doesn’t matter what happened over the past 3 years… you have a brand new year ahead to create, and grow, and have new experiences, new succe...

Dec 18, 2021 10 Tips To Avoid Holiday Stress For Entrepreneurs

Happy Holidays to you my friends!

We are getting closer to that time of the year where we focus on navigating spending time with family… holiday gatherings… lots of food… lots of charcuterie boards… gift giving… traveling… parties… kids… cooking… baking… doing ALL the things during the holidays.

Dec 15, 2021 Why Do We Set Goals?

Do you set goals for yourself?

I do!

I love setting goals AND I believe it's my responsibility as a Success Coach to set goals and work towards achieving them.

Why? Because it's essentially what I help my clients do.

They have a problem… I have a solution… and I support them in achieving whatever i...
Nov 11, 2021 How To Get More Clients as a Wellness Entrepreneur

As a wellness entrepreneur, do you know why someone might choose to do business with you, over someone else?


Why would someone choose your retreat over someone else’s retreat? Why would someone choose you as their coach instead of another coach who has the exact same niche?

Knowing what makes y...

Oct 27, 2021 Value = Wealth - Why Added Value is Important For a Business

As entrepreneurs, we are providing a product or a service that helps people and serves them in a meaningful way. We fill in a gap where our audience or our clients have a specific need.

And as we build our businesses we generate revenue. That’s the goal right?!

Truth: If your business isn’t making...